Total Iron
Resolve the new challenges of acid corrosion on your maschinery.
Acid Corosion
Acid corrosion is a comlpex process, that can be analysed only while machine downtime.
Life time
Abrasive iron is one of the biggest factors that can reduce the lifetime of engine parts.
The Solution from CMT is protected under
Patent Nr. 2910933.
Cold corrosion creates many new challenges for ship operators.
Patent No. 2910933
While in the past the selection and dosage of the lubricant was based solely on fuel sulphur content, it is now necessary to take into account a number of new factors.
To comply with Tier II NOx regulations and the latest Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) guidelines engine manufacturers have changed their engine design. As a result cold corrosion in these engines is more likely to occur due to liner operation temperatures below the acid dew point. To enable effective slow speed operation, older engines are modified to optimize “fuel consumption”. These engines now suffer similar problems due to operation at lower temperatures.
Monitoring of the iron content in the cylinder drain oil and the launching of remedial actions in due time can help to avoid cold corrosion and unnecessary abrasive wear in the cylinder liner.
CMT has developed a unique and simple analysis kit to test for and quantify corrosive and abrasive iron especially in the cylinder drain oil.
Together with the CDO BN Test Kit the Electronic Iron Analysis Kit allows to monitor the most important parameters of the cylinder drain oil allowing to optimize the feed rate of the cylinder oil and at the same time to avoid unnecessary wear of the individual cylinder liner.
The severity of the acid condensation resulting in cold corrosion on the cylinder liner wall is influenced by the following:
Although slow steaming has dramatically reduced the problem of abrasive wear, it is still a risk factor and needs to be monitored. Most common problems for abrasive wear in cylinder liners are:
Replacement reagents can be ordered on short notice from CMT and come in packs giving the user all they need to perform the tests. Refill packs are not classified as hazardous for transport. A Test Kit Cleaner is provided for easy cleaning after using the CMT devices. Complete spare cells are available for all tests.
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Your Benefits
- Greatly increased repeatability and accuracy (+/- 20 ppm) Differentiation between corrosive and abrasive iron
- No soot dependence of the test
allows for most reliable results - Fastest onsite wet chemistry test
- Intuitive usage due to touch screen functionality
- Large memory for storing data
- Easy trending thanks to a high solution graphic display
- Simple USB data transfer to a PC
- No hazardous chemicals involved
Iron II Test Kit
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